30th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics
AROB 30th 2025
10th International Symposium on BioComplexity
ISBC 10th 2025
January 22-24, 2025


Please note that you have 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
All time is in Japan Standard Time (GMT+9).

Only presenters in the Organized Sessions (OS) who are unable to travel from overseas will be allowed to present online. The organizers will make the necessary preparations for online presentations.
Even for OS presentations, online presentations will, in principle, not be permitted for domestic participants.

January 21, 2025 (Tuesday)

15:00-17:00Registration (3rd Floor, B-Con Plaza)
18:00-20:00Welcome Party (2nd Floor, Beppu Kamenoi Hotel)

January 22, 2025 (Wednesday)

Room A Room B Room C Room D Room E Room F
8:00Registration (3rd Floor Registration Desk)
9:00-10:30 GS29
Multi-agent systems
Chair: M. Nakamura
Control and analysis techniques
Chair: J.H. Lee
Artificial intelligence I
Chair: R. Matoba
Human-machine interaction and collaboration I
Chair: S. Nisar
Machine learning I
Chair: K. Ikeda
10:45-11:00Opening Ceremony (1st Floor Room G)
11:00-11:50Plenary Speech 1 (1st Floor Room G)
Social simulation on HPC
Nobuyasu Ito, RIKEN Center for Computational Science, Japan
13:00-14:45 OS11 AROB:
Human-Centered Robotics
Chair: S. Nisar

Invited Talk
13:00 - 13:30
Alexis E. Block
Complex and Collective Systems: Theory and Data Analysis
Chair: T. Ohira
System Sensing and Its Applications 1
Chair: H. Asano
Artificial intelligence II
Chair: S.-J. Lee
Neural networks I
Chair: F. Grassia
Sensor and multi-sensor data fusion
Chair: K. Okamoto
15:00-16:45 OS10 AROB:
F-REI New Research Unit in the Robotics Field: Autonomy, Intelligence and Swarm Control
Chair: F. Matsuno

Invited Talk
15:00 - 15:30
Kenzo Nonami
System Sensing and Its Applications 2
Chair: K. Oiwa
Swarm intelligence
Chair: Y. Tamura
Robotic mechanism I
Chair: K. Saito
Machine learning II
Chair: N. Shigei
17:00-18:15 OS12 AROB:
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Data-Driven Biological and Medical Research
Chair: T. Hiroyasu
Mobile Robot Control
Chair: S. Sagara
Biomedical database & Medical informatics
Chair: S. Kato
Control techniques
Chair: K. Kobayashi
Robotic mechanism II
Chair: R. Hayashi
Model estimation
Chair: C. Park

January 23, 2025 (Thursday)

Room A Room B Room C Room D Room E Room F Room H
8:00Registration (3rd Floor Registration Desk)
9:00-10:45 OS7 AROB:
Construction of lunar bases and lunar exploration by AI-powered robots I
Chair: R. Fujisawa

Invited Talk
9:00 - 9:30
Jun Morimoto
Neural networks II
Chair: F. Uchikoba
Machine learning III
Chair: T. Nakashima
Robotics with Intelligence and/or Informatics I
Chair: T. Kinugasa
Artificial intelligence III
Chair: Y. Kadokawa
Human-machine interaction and collaboration II
Chair: K. Hashimoto
Intuitive Human-System Interaction I
Chair: M. Yokota
11:00-11:50Plenary Speech 2 (1st Floor Room G)
Recent Advances in Understanding Human Emotion through AI
Dong Seog HAN, Kyungpook National University, Korea
13:00-14:45 OS8 AROB:
Construction of lunar bases and lunar exploration by AI-powered robots II
Chair: R. Fujisawa

Invited Talk
13:00 - 13:30
Shinichi Kimura
Co-creation in research and education
Chair: K. Mackin
Evolving Robotics and Machine Learning Applications
Chair: M.K. Habib
Robotics with Intelligence and/or Informatics II
Chair: T. Kinugasa
Artificial intelligence IV
Chair: K. Ito
Artificial life I
Chair: K. Wakabayashi
Intuitive Human-System Interaction II
Chair: M. Yokota
15:00-15:50Plenary Speech 3 (1st Floor Room G)
From "Life-as-It-Could-Be" to "Mind-as-It-Could-Be": Rethinking Reality, Presence, and Consciousness through Virtual and Extended Reality
Keisuke Suzuki, Center for Human Nature, Artificial Intelligence, and Neuroscience (CHAIN), Hokkaido University, Japan
16:05-17:35 GS7
Artificial life II
Chair: H. Kojima
Cognitive science & Complexity
Chair: S. Nagataki
Machine learning IV
Chair: M. Tamosiunaite
Robotic mechanism III
Chair: Y. Katada
Robot vision and image processing I
Chair: Y. Matsuda
Human-machine interaction and collaboration III
Chair: K. Hosotani
18:30-20:30Banquet (2nd Floor, Beppu Kamenoi Hotel)

January 22, 2025 (Wednesday)

11:00 - 11:50

Room G

Plenary Speech 1
  • Social simulation on HPC
    1. Nobuyasu Ito (RIKEN Center for Computational Science, Japan)

January 23, 2025 (Thursday)

11:00 - 11:50

Room G

Plenary Speech 2
  • Recent Advances in Understanding Human Emotion through AI
    1. Dong Seog HAN (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

15:00 - 15:50

Room G

Plenary Speech 3
  • Toward Computational Phenomenology
    1. Keisuke Suzuki (Center for Human Nature, Artificial Intelligence, and Neuroscience (CHAIN), Hokkaido University, Japan)

January 22, 2025 (Wednesday)

9:00 -

Room A

GS29 Multi-agent systems
Chair: Mari Nakamura
  • GS29-1 LLM-mediated Dynamic Plan Generation with a Multi-Agent Approach
    1. Reo Abe, Akifumi Ito, Kanata Takayasu, Satoshi Kurihara
  • GS29-2 Improved Cooperative Evacuation Guidance Model using Multiple Mobile Robots
    1. Kazuki Watanabe, Ryoma Toyomi, Atsuo Ozaki
  • GS29-3 Generating Cooperative Behavior of the Multi-agent System in the Volleyball Game with Communication
    1. Mingyuan Ni, Daichi Morimoto
  • GS29-4 Reactive Persistent Surveillance by Heterogeneous Multi-agents with Energy Constraint
    1. Shohei KOBAYASHI, Takehiro HIGUCHI
  • GS29-5 Designing controllers of robotic swarms using offline reinforcement learning with attention mechanism
    1. Atsushi Fujita, Kaito Yamane, Arumu Iwami, Daichi Morimoto
  • GS29-6 Deep Reinforcement Learning Method Considering Vehicle Sizes for Cooperative Autonomous Driving
    1. Akito Takenaka, Tomohiro Harada, Yukiya Miura, Kiyohiko Hattori, Johei Matuoka

Room C

GS12 Control and analysis techniques
Chair: Jae Hoon Lee
  • GS12-1 Anisotropic Texture Control in 3D Food Printing With Variable Pitch
    1. Koki Fujiwara, Jun Ogawa, Hidemitsu Furukawa
  • GS12-2 Detection of conductor break position by high-frequency signal
    1. Daichi Dezaki, Kazuya Okamoto, Nobuo Iwasaki
  • GS12-3 Social Networking and Firm Performance: Evidence from Taiwan
    1. Wen-jhan Jane, Ya-Chu Chang, Chia-Ching Chang
  • GS12-4 Automated grasping and releasing of pollen in microscope
    1. Ryodai YATA, Kenta TABATA, Renato MIYAGUSUKU, Koichi OZAKI
  • GS12-5 Proportional-Integral-Derivative Enhancement for Horizontal Pod Autoscaling in Kubernetes
    1. Wen-Tin Lee, Wei-Ting Jian, Shang-Pin Ma

Room D

GS1 Artificial intelligence I
Chair: Ryuichi Matoba
  • GS1-1 Classifying MCI with rs-fMRI and deep learning
    1. Ryosuke Minami, Narumi Yoneda, Ryo Hatano, Hiroyuki Nishiyama
  • GS1-2 Design of Eye Gaze Evaluation System Based on Automatic Classification of Attention and Distraction Areas in Driving
    1. JAGAT THAKULLA, Hironori Hiraishi
  • GS1-3 Simulating Effects of Interoceptive Accuracy on Decision-Making in Open-World Survival Games
    1. Takato Kishida, Chie Hieida, Yosuke Taniuchi, Kazuki Miyazawa, Takato Horii
  • GS1-4 A Preliminary Study on Constraint Extraction and Exception Exclusion in Care Worker Scheduling
    1. Koki Suenaga, Tomohiro Furuta, Satoshi Ono
  • GS1-5 Microservice Identification Using Large Language Models: A Code-Centric Analysis Framework
    1. Chih-Yu Hsieh, Tzu-Yu Huang, Shang-Pin Ma, Wen-Tin Lee, Shin-Jie Lee
  • GS1-6 EEG-Based Power Spectral Analysis for AI-Driven Detection of Neurocognitive Disorders
    1. Kusum Tara, Ruimin Wang, Yoshitaka Matsuda, Satoru Goto, Ayame Oishi, Takao Yamasaki, Takenao Sugi

Room E

GS15 Human-machine interaction and collaboration I
Chair: Sajid Nisar
  • GS15-1 Dialogue Smoothness Indicators Based on Emotional Synchronization and Similarity Between Interlocutors
    1. Shosei Nakamura, Takeshi Takano, Shota Takashima, Nobuhito Manome, Tatsuji Takahashi, Shuji Shinohara
  • GS15-2 Textual Annotation of a Dyadic Conversation using the Body Motion Pairs
    1. Simon Andreas Piorecki, Yutaka Nakamura, Takashi Minato, Yuya Okadome, Hiroshi Ishiguro
  • GS15-3 Realization of A Supernumerary Robotic Finger for Grasping and Its Evaluation with Vibrotactile and Squeeze Haptic Feedback
    1. Faimul Haque, Jacob Char, Connor McGregor, Sajid Nisar
  • GS15-4 Design of Human Motion Detection for Nonverbal Collaborative Robot Communication Cue
    1. Wendy Cahya Kurniawan, Yeoh Wen Liang, Hiroshi Okumura, Fukuda Osamu
  • GS15-5 Development of Smart Navigation Robot for Visually Impaired
    1. Jin Yien Lee, Taiga Eguchi, Wen Liang Yeoh, Hiroshi Okumura, Osamu Fukuda

Room F

GS21 Machine learning I
Chair: Kazushi Ikeda
  • GS21-1 Acquisition of Cooperative Behavior of Multi-Agents Using Multi-Layer Q-Learning
    1. Tomonari Kimura, Mengchun Xie, Mitsuki Nakashima
  • GS21-2 Reinforcement Learning with a Focus on Adjusting Policies to Reach Targets
    1. Akane Tsuboya, Yu Kono, Tatsuji Takahashi
  • GS21-3 Construction of Regression Model of eGFR by Data Partitioning Based on Trend of Time Series Data
    1. Shuhei Hamashima, Noritaka Shigei, Masanobu Miyazaki, Yoichi Ishizuka, Shinichi Abe, Tomoya Nishino, Hiromi Miyajima
  • GS21-4 Validation of the Application of Object Detection Technology Using YOLOv9 for Rescue Robots in Disaster Environments
    1. Anyu Ishizaka, Jehun Seo, Yoshiaki Yamazaki

13:00 -

Room A

OS11 AROB: Human-Centered Robotics
Chair: Sajid Nisar
  • Invited Talk: Human-Centered Robotic Emotional Support
    1. Alexis E. Block (Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), Cleveland, US)
  • OS11-1 Identifying Influential Actions in Human-Robot Interactions
    1. Haoyang Jiang, Chenfei Xu, Yuya Okadome, Yutaka Nakamura
  • OS11-2 Proposal for Social Implementation of Smart Glasses in the Field
    1. Takeru Ito, Naru Tsuritani, Hyuga Yokohori, Shuntaro Mori, Masamoto Tafu, Ryuichi Matoba
  • OS11-3 Basic Research on Vibration-Induced Kinesthetic Illusion, Tonic Vibration Reflex, and Antagonist Vibratory Response for Human-Assistive Robot Development
    1. Hiraku Komura, Koki Honda
  • OS11-4 Pedestrian Modeling Using the Koopman Approach and Investigation into the Effects of Autonomous Mobile Robot Intervention
    1. Go Nakamura, Kazuma Sekiguchi, Kenichiro Nonaka, Hideaki Takayanagi
  • OS11-5 The Simulation for Firefighting Training in the VR Space Using mocopi
    1. Taro Kanasaki, Mengchun Xie, Mitsuki Nakashima

Room B

OS25 ISBC: Complex and Collective Systems: Theory and Data Analysis
Chair: Toru Ohira
Co-Chair: Ken Naitoh
  • OS25-1 Example of Equipment Removal Simulation using Point Cloud Data and 3D CAD Model in Public Works
    1. Kodai Tsushima, Hideo Miyachi
  • OS25-2 On foreknowledge of life
    1. Ken Naitoh, Shun Tomita, Koichi Shibazaki, Kaori Morita, Kami Okazaki
  • OS25-3 Dynamical System in Elliptical Pursuit and Evasion
    1. Sota Yoshihara
  • OS25-4 Community structure of social tagging on an online video sharing system
    1. Kiminori Ito, Takashi Shimada
  • OS25-5 VR sickness reduction method by selective blurring considering self-motion direction
    1. Itsuki Takeshita, Hideo Miyachi
  • OS25-6 A driver’s sensitivity designed for next-level performance of autonomous vehicles
    1. MD ANOWAR HOSSAIN, Nobuyasu Ito
  • OS25-7 Evacuation simulation in Kobe Harborland area
    1. Kanato Takeuchi, Nobuyasu Ito

Room C

OS20 AROB: System Sensing and Its Applications 1
Chair: Hirotoshi Asano
Co-Chair: Atsushi Shibata
  • OS20-1 Estimation of Stress-Responsive Hemodynamics Based on NIFI with Applied Dimensionality Reduction Methods
    1. Shonosuke Ohyama, Kent Nagumo, Akio Nozawa
  • OS20-2 An Attempt to Estimate Resting Blood Pressure Using Low-Resolution TFI
    1. Hana Furudate, Kent Nagumo, Akio Nozawa
  • OS20-3 Gesture-Based Character Input Method for Smartwatches Considering Screen Design
    1. Kaito Hino, Tota Mizuno, Kazuyuki Mito, Shogo Matsuno, Naoaki Itakura
  • OS20-4 Investigation of real-time BCI using a compact device without averaging method
    1. Shingo Tanaka, Tota Mizuno, Kazuyuki Mito, Shogo Matsuno, Naoaki Itakura
  • OS20-5 Examination of the Possibility of Evaluating the Effect of Muscle Training Using Multi-channel Surface Electromyography with Active Electrodes
    1. Kohei Okura, Tota Mizuno, Kazuyuki Mito, Shogo Matsuno, Naoaki Itakura

Room D

GS2 Artificial intelligence II
Chair: Shin-Jie Lee
  • GS2-1 EAW-YOLO11: Enhanced YOLO11 Network for Small-Object Detection in Underwater Weak Lighting and Low-Quality Environments
    1. Dang Thanh Cong, Hiroshi Sato, Masao Kubo
  • GS2-2 Real-World Application of gMLP for Long Sequential Robot Behavior
    1. Koki Sato, Ryoma Tanaka, Ryo Kobayashi, Sho Yamauchi, Keiji Suzuki, Sho'ji Suzuki
  • GS2-3 Intelligent Information Gathering and Analysis in Sustainable Energy: A Generative-AI-Enhanced and Microservice-Based Approach
    1. Shang-Pin Ma, Chen-Hao Chao, Wei-Kai Lin, Guan-Hong Lai, Yue-Jun Lai, Shih-Ying Chang, Zihjin Ciou, Jones Hung
  • GS2-4 First-Person View to Third-Person View Generation Using Pix2pix in Driving
    1. Hiroki Tomura, Hironori Hiraishi
  • GS2-5 Supervised Collaborative Learning System Using a Wire-Connected Two-Wheeled Rover for Planetary Exploration
    1. Clive Jancen Kawaoto, Tenta Suzuki, Mao Tobisawa, Junya Hoshino, Yuki Itoh, Kaito Kumagae, Kenji Matsuda, Johei Matsuoka, Kiyohiko Hattori

Room E

GS30 Neural networks I
Chair: Filippo Grassia
  • GS30-1 Increase throughput of AST model by using token merging technique based on audio data features
    1. Tomonori Mikasa, Ryo Hatano, Hiroyuki Nishiyama
  • GS30-2 Rotary crane control using neural network optimized by improved adaptive Cuckoo Search
    1. Ryoma Araki, Kunihiko Nakazono, Naoki Oshiro, Hiroshi Kinjo
  • GS30-3 Unsupervised learning of coincidences for network operation in non-stationary environments
    1. Hannah Kerger, Florentin Wörgötter, Minija Tamosiunaite
  • GS30-4 Study on a Deep Learning-Based Method for Enhancing the Clarity of Cloud Images for Weather Prediction Support
    1. Naoki Funama, Atsuo Ozaki
  • GS30-5 Puzzle-Based Self-Supervised Learning for Video Classification with Vision Transformers
    1. Ruqin Wang, Wataru Noguchi, Yasumasa Tamura, Masahito Yamamoto
  • GS30-6 Spatial Depth Super-Resolution Framework for Rock CT Images Using Sparse Modeling
    1. Ryogo Kagawa, Atsushi Okamoto, Toshiaki Omori

Room F

GS37 Sensor and multi-sensor data fusion
Chair: Kazuya Okamoto
  • GS37-1 Detection model of acupuncture points on hands through current measurement
    1. Takuya Watanabe, Geunho Lee, Yusuke Hayakawa
  • GS37-2 Human Pose Estimation Using Wearable IMU Sensors and Deep Learning
    1. Melaku Abebayehu Abebe, Jae Hoon Lee, Shingo Okamoto
  • GS37-3 People Detection and Tracking Using Multiple Ground LiDARs Based on 1D-CNN/Background Subtraction and Distributed IMM Methods
    1. Sakura Iizawa, Masafumi Hashimoto, Kazuhiko Takahashi
  • GS37-4 Cooperative Object Tracking Using Multiple Ground LiDARs Based on Multiplicative Error Model Extended Kalman Filter and Information Filter
    1. Yoshihiro Nakatani, Masafumi Hashimoto, Kazuhiko Takahashi
  • GS37-5 Evaluation of an Anomaly Detection Method for Elderly People Using Body Surface Temperature
    1. Tasuku Hanato, Shin Morishima, Akira Urashima, Hiroshi Minematsu, Takashi Yamamoto, Tomoji Toriyama
  • GS37-6 Implementation and validation of a two-dimensional target positioning method using Hall sensors for a new docking system for small satellites
    1. Yuto Hara, Katsuyoshi Tsujita

15:00 -

Room A

OS10 AROB: F-REI New Research Unit in the Robotics Field: Autonomy, Intelligence and Swarm Control
Chair: Fumitoshi Matsuno
Co-Chair: Satoshi Suzuki
  • Invited Talk: What is F-REI? The trends and prospects for swarm control with high levels of autonomy and intelligence
    1. Kenzo Nonami (Field of Robotics, Fukushima Institute for Research, Education and Innovation (F-REI), Japan)
  • OS10-1 Decadal Trends and Future Prospects in Wheeled and Tracked Mobility for Rough Terrain Applications
    1. Genya Ishigami
  • OS10-2 Scalable Domain Randomized Reinforcement Learning for Sim-to-Real Policy Transfer in Complex Robot Tasks
    1. Yuki Kadokawa, Takamitsu Matsubara
  • OS10-3 Research on Cooperative Manipulation using Multiple Drones with Winch Mechanism
    1. Yuki Ohira, Satoshi Suzuki
  • OS10-4 Model-Free UAV Navigation in Unknown Cluttered Environment Using Vision-Based Reinforcement Learning
    1. HAO WU, WEI WANG, TONG WANG, Satoshi Suzuki
  • OS10-5 No Tower Information Needed: An Autonomous Inspection Route Generation Method based on Target Detection
    1. Wei Wang, Qi Wang

Room C

OS21 AROB: System Sensing and Its Applications 2
Chair: Kosuke Oiwa
Co-Chair: Kent Nagumo
  • OS21-1 Estimation of driver’s psychological state based on NST variation using infrared thermography
    1. Hiroto Nishizaka, Minobu Takahashi, Dan Mikami, Hirotoshi Asano
  • OS21-2 Evaluation of EEG around the ear, employing the non-cephalic reference method
    1. Natsumi Watanabe, Hiroshi Arao, Shugo Suwazono, Akio Kimura, Hirotoshi Asano
  • OS21-3 Measuring the Gait Cycle of the Elderly using Walking Videos
    1. Yutaka Aoyama, Hisaya Tanaka
  • OS21-4 Detailed Analysis of Processing Time for Blink Type Classification Based on 3D-CNN
    1. Hironobu Sato, Shogo Matsuno, Kiyohiko Abe
  • OS21-5 Can non-verbal sound convey the robot's intentions?
    1. Yuji Tamayose, Hirotoshi Asano, Atsushi Shibata
  • OS21-6 Automatic bug fixing using optimization methods
    1. Yugo Tabata, Kiyohiko Abe
  • OS21-7 A model of R-R intervals of ECG using the autocorrelation function
    1. MASANORI SHIRO, Yu Sekiguchi, Rina Kagawa, Hiroshi Sato

Room D

GS38 Swarm intelligence
Chair: Yasumasa Tamura
  • GS38-1 Boosting Accuracy and Explainability in Swarm Anomaly Detection with Vision Transformer
    1. Yohei Fukuyama, Masao Kubo, Hiroshi Sato
  • GS38-2 Path Planning of a UAV Using Ant Colony Optimization with Penalty for Environment Including No-fly Zone
    1. Yoshiaki Katada, Takumi Kato, Nao Nakajima
  • GS38-3 Stable scalable patterns with symmetric structures generated by heterogeneous boid
    1. Mari Nakamura
  • GS38-4 Group dynamics of Plecoglossus Altivelis under different light-environments
    1. Kohei Ohashi, Shoma Kamata, Rei Hiraoka, Hiroaki Kawashima, Hitoshi Habe, Takayuki Niizato
  • GS38-5 Using AI to optimize a swarm's information network for use in disaster response
    1. Logan Joslin, Yoshihiro Sato
  • GS38-6 Reinforcement Learning-based Autonomous Driving Control for Efficient Road Utilization in Lane-less Environments
    1. Mao Tobisawa, Kenji Matsuda, Tenta Suzuki, Tomohiro Harada, Junya Hoshino, Yuki Itoh, Kaito Kumagae, Johei Matsuoka, Kiyohiko Hattori

Room E

GS34 Robotic mechanism I
Chair: Ken Saito
  • GS34-1 Development of Robotic Flapping Mechanism: Lessons from Ladybug
    1. Kazuki Takeshita, Kota Okabe, Geunho Lee
  • GS34-2 Design and Realization of A Surgical Manipulator based on 2-DoF Remote-Center-of-Motion Planar Mechanism
    1. Anuragi Thapliya, Maggie Kirwan, Gajitha Nanayakkara, Adam Powell, Constantinos Chamzas, Sajid Nisar
  • GS34-3 Design of a Multi-Link Minimally Actuated Serial Robot Upper-Limb Exoskeleton
    1. Alan Villalejo Cota, Rene Manuel Suarez Flores, Sajid Nisar
  • GS34-4 Modeling of Half-drone wheeled inverted pendulum Prototype 2
    1. Hector Gautier, Shoichi Maeyama
  • GS34-5 Development of Edible Modular Robots with Thermal Repairability and Reconfigurability
    1. Moe Kakegawa, Jun Ogawa, Hidemitsu Furukawa
  • GS34-6 Fundamental experiments for adjustable DOF mechanism using vibration and jamming transition
    1. Souta Niga, Toshihiko Shimizu
  • GS34-7 A proposal of a moving chair with six driving wheeled legs
    1. Kazuhiro Hamamoto, Hirokazu Matsui

Room F

GS22 Machine learning II
Chair: Noritaka Shigei
  • GS22-1 Wood Ear Mushroom Detection Using Data Augmentation with 3D-CG Images and Generative AI Images
    1. Ryuki Yamada, Ryo Matsumura, Hironori Kitakaze
  • GS22-2 Improving Prediction Accuracy by Modifying Kernel Functions in PILCO
    1. Kunikazu Kobayashi, Takato Kato
  • GS22-3 Modification of Single-Input Rule Modules Fuzzy Models for Multi-Class Classification
    1. Tomoharu Nakashima, Takumi Matsumoto, Yoshifumi Kusunoki
  • GS22-4 Sentiment Analysis Based on Ratings of Product Reviews Using BERT and SHAP
    1. Takahiro Hayashi, Ryo Hatano, Hiroyuki Nishiyama
  • GS22-5 Depth Image Generation Algorithm Using Monocular Camera and Tiny Distance Sensor
    1. Kenta Kikuno, TEKLAY ASMELASH GERENCHEAL, Jae Hoon Lee, Shingo Okamoto

17:00 -

Room A

OS12 AROB: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Data-Driven Biological and Medical Research
Chair: Tomoyuki Hiroyasu
Co-Chair: Hiroshi Furutani
  • OS12-1 Tomato Phenotyping from Daily Video Footage Using 3D Reconstruction Point Cloud and Growth Status Assessment
    1. Warut Timprae, Stefan Baar, Satoshi Kondo, Yoshifumi Okada, Kazuhiko Sato, Shinya Watanabe
  • OS12-2 Impact of Encoder Architecture Variations in U-NET on Cell Nucleus Labeling
    1. Yuzuha Hara, Kensuke Tanioka, Satoru Hiwa, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu
  • OS12-3 Optimization of Crossover in SMILES-Based Genetic Algorithms for Organic Compound Design
    1. Masashige Suzuki, Kensuke Tanioka, Satoru Hiwa, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu
  • OS12-4 Asymptotic regression analysis of COVID-19 infections
    1. Hiroshi Furutani, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu
  • OS12-5 Estimation of Low-Rank Correlation Matrix Based on a Thresholding Approach and the L1 Norm
    1. Kensuke Tanioka, Satoru Hiwa, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu

Room B

OS15 AROB: Mobile Robot Control
Chair: Shinichi Sagara
Co-Chair: Yuta Hanazawa
  • OS15-1 Position control of a 3-link dual-arm underwater robot using model error compensator - Considering the difference in response speed between a vehicle and manipulators -
    1. Reo Nishio, Yuta Hanazawa, Shinichi Sagara, Radzi Ambar
  • OS15-2 Force control experiment of a 3-link dual-arm underwater robot with model error compensator
    1. Kensho Osugi, Reo Nishio, Yuta Hanazawa, Shinichi Sagara, Radzi Ambar
  • OS15-3 Coronal Plane Control of Biped Robots Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Realizing Quasi-Limit Cycle Walking
    1. Yuhi Uchino, Yuta Hanazawa, Shinichi Sagara
  • OS15-4 Design of a Motion and Force Controller Based on Composite Error for a Manipulator Mounted on a Surface Vehicle
    1. Yuichiro Taira, Toyoyuki Honjo

Room C

GS10 Biomedical database & Medical informatics
Chair: Shohei Kato
  • GS10-1 A hybrid model for arrhythmia classification based on Convolutional Neural Network and Extreme Learning Machine without ECG preprocessing
    1. Chotirose Prathom, Ryuhi Fukuda, Yuto Yokoyanagi, Shinya Watanabe, Satoshi Kondo, Kazuhiko Sato, Yoshifumi Okada
  • GS10-2 A Preliminary Study on Surgical Skill Classification from Laparoscopic Surgery Videos Using Multi-Instance Learning
    1. Rara Deguchi, Kan Tanabe, Tsubasa Hidaka, Kenji Baba, Naoki Kuroshima, Masumi Wada, Mashiho Mukaida, Takao Ohtsuka, Noritaka Shigei, Satoshi Ono
  • GS10-3 Exploring the Correlation Between Visible, Near-infrared, and Thermal Facial Images and Chronic Stress Indicators
    1. Masahito Takano, Kent Nagumo, Yasushi Nanai, Kosuke Oiwa, Akio Nozawa
  • GS10-4 Application of Machine Learning in Preoperative Prediction of Coils Preference in Cerebral Aneurysm Treatment
    1. Takumi Kawauchi, Soichiro Fujimura, Toshiki Koshiba, Genki Kudo, Niken Prasasti Martono, Toru Sano, Michiyasu Fuga, Gota Nagayama, Issei Kan, Naoki Kato, Toshihiro Ishibashi, Yuichi Murayama, Hayato Ohwada

Room D

GS13 Control techniques
Chair: Kunikazu Kobayashi
  • GS13-1 Automatic Control of Magnetic Adhesion to Metal Wall for an Inspection Drone
    1. Motoya Sumino, Jae Hoon Lee, Shingo Okamoto
  • GS13-2 Control Simulation of a 5-DOF Rotary Crane System with Flexibility Simplified in Two Inertia System along the Rotational Direction
  • GS13-3 Invention of a path following method for unmanned surface vehicle that includes dead time and lag as control input
    1. Kouki Yoshimura, Makoto Morito, Junichiro Tahara, Shoichiro Baba, Yukihisa Sanada
  • GS13-4 Reduced-Order Observer-Based Output Feedback Control For Four-Wheeled Vehicle
    1. Taichi Nakamura, Yutoku Takahashi, Jun Yoneyama

Room E

GS35 Robotic mechanism II
Chair: Ryota Hayashi
  • GS35-1 Design and Evaluation of a Wearable Electromagnetic Tendon-Driven Module for Kinesthetic Haptic Feedback
    1. Rene Manuel Suarez Flores, Karan K C, Sajid Nisar
  • GS35-2 Design of A Modular 6-DoF Robotic Surgical Instrument with Tool Modularity and Decoupled Degrees of Freedom
    1. Cole Welcher, Kevin McCrudden, Rene Manuel Suarez Flores, Yihao Zheng, Loris Fichera, Sajid Nisar
  • GS35-3 Development of Neuromorphic Circuit Driving Rat-Type Robots Using Shape Memory Alloy
    1. Yuki Yasuda, Futo Igei, Shuxin Lyu, Ken Saito
  • GS35-4 Dynamics Analysis of SMA-driven MEMS Multi-legged Mobile Robot During Walking Motion
    1. Yifan Yang, Zhuo Deng, Fumio Uchikoba, Minami Kaneko
  • GS35-5 Development of an Automatic Staple-Removing Robot
    1. Toshiki Matsuo, Hideaki Itoh, Hisao Fukumoto, Hiroshi Wakuya

Room F

GS28 Model estimation
Chair: Changook Park
  • GS28-1 A Quantitative Analysis of Financial Distress Propagation in International Networks Utilizing DebtRank and a Multi-layer Approach
    1. Junhyun Chae, Hiroyasu Inoue
  • GS28-2 Evaluation of space rover's mobility performance regarding the mounting angle of the lugs for crawlers using the mechanics model
    1. Kazuki Maeda, Katsuyoshi Tsujita
  • GS28-3 Proposal of Mathematical Model of Dielectric Elastomer Actuator for Vibration Suit
    1. Hajime Yokoyama, Hirokazu Matsui

January 23, 2025 (Thursday)

9:00 -

Room A

OS7 AROB: Construction of lunar bases and lunar exploration by AI-powered robots I
Chair: Ryusuke Fujisawa
Co-Chair: Yuichi Ambe
  • Invited Talk: A Hierarchical Learning Method for Modular Robot Control
    1. Jun Morimoto (Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Japan)
  • OS7-1 Development of a Compact Board for Wired Communication Between Modules for Lunar Activity Modular Robots
    1. Kiona Hosotani, Akio Noda, Fumitoshi Matsuno
  • OS7-2 A Simulation Framework for Modular Self-Reconfigurable Robots Using Isaac Sim
    1. Guang Yang, Xixun Wang, Koki Harada, Shuhei Sugiura, Ryota Kinjo, Hiroshi Oku, Ryo Ariizumi, Fumitoshi Matsuno
  • OS7-3 Simultaneous Optimization of Module Combination and Task Scheduling for Modular Robots in the Construction of Lunar Bases (Withdrawal)
    1. Yuki Tanigaki
  • OS7-4 Design of GNN-Based AI and Encoding Techniques for Autonomous Transitions of Modular Robots
    1. Kenichiro Satonaka, Ryusei Nishii, Ryota Kinjo, Yuki Takagi, Hiroshi Oku, Yuki Tanigaki, Koki Harada, Shuhei Sugiura, Ryo Ariizumi, Tomohiro Shimomura, Guang Yang, Xixun Wang, Fumitoshi Matsuno
  • OS7-5 Development of a Remote Operation Platform with Self-organized Modular Robots for Lunar Exploration
    1. Xixun Wang, Kotaro Kanazawa, Haruki Aoyama, Ching Wen Chin, Yuya Shimizu, Guang Yang, Ryohei Michikawa, Kiona Hosotani, Noritaka Sato, Akio Noda, Fumitoshi Matsuno

Room B

GS31 Neural networks II
Chair: Fumio Uchikoba
  • GS31-1 Dynamic Gaussian Splatting with Temporal Offsets for 3D Scene Reconstruction from Unsynchronized Multi-View Videos
    1. Yusuke Saito
  • GS31-2 Anatomic Classification of Medical Image Findings Using UTH-BERT and Attention Mechanisms
    1. Saya Narita, Shoji Kido, Shingo Mabu
  • GS31-3 Segmentation of Diffuse Lung Diseases in Computed Tomography Images Using Partially Supervised Learning: A Model Construction and Learning for Feature Extraction Considering Lung Opacities
    1. Takuya Hamada, Shoji Kido, Shingo Mabu
  • GS31-4 Optimizing Neural Coding in Spiking Neural Networks for Mammography Image Processing
    1. Kenza Garreau, Brad Niepceron, Emmanuel Bellenger, Filippo Grassia
  • GS31-5 Pseudo Abnormal Image Generation to Improve Classification Performance of Small Abnormal Opacities in Chest X-ray Images
    1. Michi Nishio, Shingo Mabu
  • GS31-6 Design of Stabilizing Controller Using Neural Network for Nonlinear Output Feedback Systems
    1. Keisuke Sugiyama, Jun Yoneyama, Yutoku Takahashi
  • GS31-7 Development of an artificial spinal cord circuit for a musculoskeletal humanoid robot mimicking the neural network involved in human gait control
    1. Tatsumi Goto, Kentaro Yamazaki, Yugo Kokubun, Ontatsu Haku, Ginjiro Takashi, Minami Kaneko, Fumio Uchikoba

Room C

GS23 Machine learning III
Chair: Tomoharu Nakashima
  • GS23-1 Neural Risk-sensitive Satisficing in Contextual Bandits
    1. Shogo Ito, Tatsuji Takahashi, Yu Kono
  • GS23-2 Estimating equipment failures using vibration sensors and machine learning
    1. Shuma Sakaguchi, Nobuo Iwasaki, Kazuya Okamoto
  • GS23-3 Flow prediction by condenser microphone
    1. Shunta Koike, Nobuo Iwasaki, Kazuya Okamoto
  • GS23-4 Ocean Currents Estimation Using Genetic Algorithm the Fuzzy Controlled AUV Equipped with Relearning Method
    1. Tashima Takumi, Kunihiko Nakazono, Eiho Uezato, Naoki Oshiro, Hiroshi Kinjo
  • GS23-5 Tracking control of a AUV using two neural network controllers with initial and tidal current learning
    1. Kano Kubo, Kunihiko Nakazono, Naoki Oshiro, Hiroshi Kinjo
  • GS23-6 BP Learning Method using Secure Distributed Processing with Decomposition Data and Parameters Divided into Updated and Non-updated Portions
    1. Hirofumi Miyajima, Noritaka Shigei, Hiromi Miyajima, Norio Shiratori

Room D

OS18 AROB: Robotics with Intelligence and/or Informatics I
Chair: Tetsuya Kinugasa
Co-Chair: Masatoshi Hatano
  • OS18-1 Design of Robotic Arm Using Topology Optimization with Serial Periodic Structures
    1. Seiji Furuno, Ririka Hamamura, Shotaro Hisano
  • OS18-2 Comparative Analysis of AI-Based Methods for Crack Detection in Cherry Tomatoes
    1. Zhaohui Tan, Masanori Sato, Takahiro Naruse, Masaharu Tanaka, Ryuki Ogawauchi, Riho Tasaki
  • OS18-3 Developments of Autonomous Robots for Collecting Bottom Sediments from Tidal Flats
    1. Masaki Yamazaki, Haruki Fukuda, Kousuke Miyamori, Yukiyoshi Hoshigami, Masatoshi Hatano
  • OS18-4 Determination of an Optimal Posture to Improve Hand Generating Forces Using Genetic Algorithm on Constant Angle Terrain
    1. Shimon Matsuzaki, Fumiya Takano, Yuya Fujibayashi, Masatoshi Hatano
  • OS18-5 How can the trap-jaw ants lock their mandibular joint? Elucidating the mandible latch mechanism with Agitoid, a trap-jaw ant robot
    1. Kazuki Yukiue, Tetsuya Kinugasa, Keisuke Naniwa, Hitoshi Aonuma, Ryota Hayashi, Koji Yoshida
  • OS18-6 Maneuvering Support System for Air Cushion Vehicle - Effects of Anti-runaway System on Maneuverability of Air Cushion Vehicle -
    1. Ryota Hayashi, Hisanori Amano, Tetsuya Kinugasa, Koji Yoshida

Room E

GS3 Artificial intelligence III
Chair: Yuki Kadokawa
  • GS3-1 Enhancing Robotic Perception of Complex Bimanual Actions through Hierarchical Graph-Based Modeling
    1. Fatemeh Ziaeetabar, Minija Tamosiunaite, Florentin Wörgötter
  • GS3-2 Artificial Intelligence as Art Critic: Design and Comparative Turing Test of Human vs. AI Critiques
    1. Wenxian Zheng, Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita
  • GS3-3 Person Semantic Information-Integrated StarGAN for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification
    1. Dau Anh Dung, Yasuhiro Nakamura
  • GS3-4 A Study on a Situation-Dependent Motion Generation Framework Using a Generative Model of Motion and Observation
    1. Chenfei XU, Yuya Okadome, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Yutaka Nakamura
  • GS3-5 Model Predict Commands and Embodied Knowledge Assist Deep Reinforcement Learning in Dodge Actions of Quadruped Robot
    1. Jiayu Zeng, Yilin Zhang, Jianan Xie, Kenji Hashimoto
  • GS3-6 Deep Reinforcement Learning-Driven PID Optimization for Robotic Manipulation
  • GS3-7 Evaluating Risk Factors Affecting Employee Overload in Healthcare Institutions Using Machine Learning Models: Predictions Based on Health Screening Indicators
    1. Ming-Shu Chen, Wen-Jen Yang, Chih-Te Yang, Tzu-Chi Liu, Ching-Tan Yang, Chi-Jie Lu

Room F

GS16 Human-machine interaction and collaboration II
Chair: Kenji Hashimoto
  • GS16-1 Toward a Moral Theory for Society of Metasapiens: Exploring the Philosophy of Diverse Embodiment
    1. Shoji Nagataki, Takashi Hashimoto, Tatsuya Kashiwabata, Koji Tachibana, Takeshi Konno
  • GS16-2 Emotional Impact on Rhythm Game Performance: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Japanese and Filipino Players
    1. Candy Espulgar, Kaoru Sumi
  • GS16-3 Development of a Real-Time Dialogue System with Large Language Models Using EEG Devices
    1. Eisuke Chatani, Yoshihiro Sato
  • GS16-4 Training Core Muscle Endurance With Vibrotactile Haptic Feedback
    1. Nishita Ranadive, Connor McGregor, Sajid Nisar
  • GS16-5 Finite Element Analysis of Highly-Flexible 3D Printable TPU: Evaluation of Material Properties and Hyperelastic Parameters of 60A and 70A Grades
    1. Khalid Meitani, Gajitha Nanayakkara, Rene Manuel Suarez Flores, Nisar Sajid
  • GS16-6 Developing Explainable Feature Selection Scheme using Machine Learning and SHAP for Multi-Step Ahead Patient Queue Length Prediction in Outpatient Phlebotomy Units
    1. Tzu-Chi Liu, Yi-Chen Lee, Chih-Te Yang, Chien-Chih Wang, Chi-Jie Lu
  • GS16-7 Dual-Channel Supply Chain Inventory Optimization Using Teaching-Learning-Based Algorithm for Carbon Efficiency
    1. Ruey-Chyn Tsaur, Nei-Chih Lin, Chi-Jie Lu, Tzu-Hsuan Chen, Chih-Te Yang

Room H

OS13 AROB: Intuitive Human-System Interaction I
Chair: Masao Yokota
Co-Chair: Akio Doi
  • OS13-1 Development and evaluation of an automatic update system for 3D-CAD models using point cloud data
    1. Akio Doi, Meguru Yamashita, Hiroki Takahashi, Toru Kato, Takashi Imabuchi
  • OS13-2 3D Scene Reconstruction from Video Images Using NeRF and 3D Gaussian Splatting: Methodologies and Comparative Evaluation
    1. ZHIYI GAO, Hiroki Takahashi, Toru Katoh, Meguru Yamashita, Akio Doi
  • OS13-3 CAD-based labeling of point cloud data using deep learning and its evaluation
    1. Toru Kato, Hiroki Takahashi, Meguru Yamashita, Akio Doi, Takashi Imabuchi
  • OS13-4 Study on 360-Degree Texture Mapping for Meshes of Building Interiors
    1. Meguru Yamashita, Hiroki Takahashi, Toru Kato, Akio Doi, Takashi Imabuchi
  • OS13-5 Noise Removal in Underwater Video Using Segment Anything Model and Generative Image Inpainting
    1. Hiroki TAKAHASHI, Toru KATO, Meguru YAMASHITA, Akio DOI, Takashi IMABUCHI
  • OS13-6 Exploring social facilitation and inhibition effects induced by avatars in virtual environment
    1. Koji Furukawa, Tetsuro Ogi

13:00 -

Room A

OS8 AROB: Construction of lunar bases and lunar exploration by AI-powered robots II
Chair: Ryusuke Fujisawa
Co-Chair: Yuichi Ambe
    1. Shinichi Kimura (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
  • OS8-1 On implementation of a statistics-based detection algorithm for abnormal operation on mechanical connection mechanisms
    1. Kazuki Shibata, Yuki Takagi, Hiroshi Oku, Xixun Wang, Ryohei Michikawa, Fumitoshi Matsuno
  • OS8-2 Development of a reversible gripper hand mechanism for a modular robot of the lunar exploration project
    1. Katsuyoshi Tsujita
  • OS8-3 Proposal on the Design Limitations of Reduction Ratio to Volume in Gear Reducers
    1. Masahiro Ikeda, Ryouga Takaguchi, Takashi Takuma, Ryohei Michikawa
  • OS8-4 Experimental validation of the wheel function in a transformable multi-functional end-effector
    1. Mihiro Nakabayashi, Tomohiro Hayakawa, Ryohei Michikawa, Toshiyuki Yasuda, Fumitoshi Matsuno
  • OS8-5 Investigation of Distributed Wave-Gait Generation in Multi-Legged Robots with Asymmetrical Leg Configurations
    1. Yuichi Ambe, Shinya Aoi, Fumitoshi Matsuno

Room B

OS6 AROB: Co-creation in research and education
Chair: Kenneth J. Mackin
Co-Chair: JongGeol Park
  • OS6-1 Co-creation in inclusive design -developing an audio-based typing game-
    1. Kenneth J. Mackin, Takeshi Fujiwara, Yukiyo Ikeda, Daisuke Akimoto
  • OS6-2 Evaluation of a Learning Feedback System and Community Activity Practices for Providing Career Experience Opportunities to Children
    1. Yoshiha Goto, Yoshihiro Kawano, Eriko Harada
  • OS6-3 Detection and Visualization of Optimal Image Resolution in Crop Classification Using Machine Learning
    1. Souichirou Toyota, Jonggeol Park
  • OS6-4 Analysis of the Impact of Posture Changes on Badminton Shuttle Speed
    1. Hongyu Zhou, Jonggeol Park
  • OS6-5 A Proposal for Visualization System to Support Understanding of Object Composition as a Basic Structure in Object-Oriented Design using Python
    1. Masanori Ohshiro, Yasuo Nagai
  • OS6-6 Investigating the effect of learning activities with force presentation on fingertips in virtual space
    1. Tomoe Ozeki, Tetsuya Mouri, Paloma Mansilla Navarro
  • OS6-7 An Eye-Tracker Analysis of Viewpoint Differences between Experts and Novices in the Birthing Assistance
    1. Yurina Wada, Nozomi Uchie, Haruka Morotomi, Takahiro Koga, Ami Nakazawa, Masayo Shima, Yumiko Namizaki, Naoko Umeda, Natsuki Hata, Tomoki Taniguchi, Rena Kato, Junko Yotsuya, Wagatsuma Hiroaki, Kazushi Ikeda

Room C

OS9 AROB: Evolving Robotics and Machine Learning Applications
Chair: Maki K. Habib
Co-Chair: Fusaomi Nagata
  • OS9-1 A Study on the Effective Use of Supervised Data Using Contrastive Learning in Defect Detection
    1. Hirohisa Kato, Fusaomi Nagata
  • OS9-2 Defect Detection and Its Visualization of Industrial Products Using Transfer Learning-Based CNN Models and Fully Convolutional Data Description Models
    1. Shingo Sakata, Fusaomi Nagata, Hisami Tamano, Hitoshi Nakamura, Takeshi Ikeda, Keigo Watanabe, Maki K. Habib, Ahmad Shahrizan Abdul Ghani
  • OS9-3 Analysis and Improvement of Rotary-Type Electrostatic Motors for MEMS Microrobots
    1. Shuxin Lyu, Yuyou Kaku, Jun Sato, Rihito Yamashita, Yudai Tominaga, Yuya Tamaki, Ken Saito
  • OS9-4 AI-Driven Cognition, Learning, and Adaptive Behavior in Next-Generation Autonomous Robotics
    1. Maki Habib, Fusaomi Nagata
  • OS9-5 Automated Wild Boar Detection in Fence Traps Using Deep Learning
    1. Francis Ifaso BESALA, Ryunosuke NIIMOTO, Jae Hoon LEE, Shingo OKAMOTO

Room D

OS19 AROB: Robotics with Intelligence and/or Informatics II
Chair: Tetsuya Kinugasa
Co-Chair: Masatoshi Hatano
  • OS19-1 Image Segmentation of Cloud Images using Deep Learning
    1. Kosei Yamasaki, Masaharu Tanaka, Masanori Sato
  • OS19-2 Experimental Evaluation of Locomotion Efficiency in a Centipede-Inspired Multi-Legged Robot
    1. Masatsugu Iribe
  • OS19-3 Experiment on changing harvesting order based on ranking of harvesting areas for a tomato harvesting robot
    1. Takeshi Ikeda, Kazuki Morita, Masanori Sato, Seiji Furuno, Fusaomi Nagata
  • OS19-4 Development of a bed-leaving motion detection system using depth image and deep learning
    1. Masanori Sato, Zhaohui Tan, Masaharu Tanaka, Manabu Yamaji, Takeshi Ikeda

Room E

GS4 Artificial intelligence IV
Chair: Kazuyuki Ito
  • GS4-1 Estimating Difficulty of Bouldering Problems Using Skeletal Features from Climbing Videos by Regression Approach
    1. Toshimasa Tahara, Ryo Hatano, Hiroyuki Nishiyama
  • GS4-2 Optimization of Vehicle Collision Avoidance Behavior by Variable Directional Sensor Control Using Reinforcement Learning
    1. Kaito Kumagae, Mao Tobisawa, Kenji Matsuda, Tenta Suzuki, Tomohiro Harada, Junya Hoshino, Yuki Itoh, Johei Matsuoka, Kiyohiko Hattori
  • GS4-3 Improving the Factuality Evaluation Method SAFE for Large Language Models
    1. Shota Yamashita, Hideaki Itoh, Hisao Fukumoto, Hiroshi Wakuya
  • GS4-4 Automatic Counting of Chlorella Algae Cells with AI Deep Learning
    1. Supaporn Worsoongnern, Witoon Yindeesuk, Surachart Kamoldilok, Keerayoot Srinuanjan
  • GS4-5 Machine Learning Polynomial Regression Model to Predict the Number of Two-Spotted Crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus) in Each Growth Stage
    1. Nitipoom Nutnoi, Witoon Yindeesuk, Surachart Kamoldilok, Keerayoot Srinuanjan, Pichet Limsuwan
  • GS4-6 Machine Learning-Based Multiple Linear Regression for Analyzing Leaf Size and Stem Circumference of Butterhead Lettuce Grown Under Varying Illuminance
    1. Supaporn Worsoongnern, Witoon Yindeesuk, Surachart Kamoldilok, Keerayoot Srinuanjan, Pichet Limsuwan

Room F

GS6 Artificial life I
Chair: Kei Wakabayashi
  • GS6-1 Evolution of Acoustic Signaling for Frequency-Dependent Resources in Virtual Creatures under Information Asymmetry
    1. Yamato MIURA, Reiji SUZUKI, Takaya ARITA
  • GS6-2 Metamorphic Transitions in Lenia Through Dynamic Growth Mechanisms
    1. Yoshihiko Kayama
  • GS6-3 Exploring the Effects of Interactions Between Hierarchical Layers in Biological Systems Using Lenia
    1. Tatsuki Furukawa, Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita
  • GS6-4 Towards Open-Ended Cultural Evolution Using LLM-Based Agents Enhancing Creativity in Science Fiction Plot Generation
    1. Mahiro Kato, Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita
  • GS6-5 Detecting Visually Disrupted Text Overlaps on Webpage Using CNN
    1. Ti-Mo Lin, Jhong-Yun Liu, Shin-Jie Lee, Ci-Yin Zhang, Wei-Ta Chu, Wen-Tin Lee
  • GS6-6 How does indirect reciprocity based on image scoring work among large language model agents?
    1. Mikiteru Nakamura, Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita

Room H

OS14 AROB: Intuitive Human-System Interaction II
Chair: Masao Yokota
Co-Chair: Akio Doi
  • OS14-1 Proposal of Anomaly Detections with Kalman Filters for Early Heavy Rain Warnings
    1. Noriki Uchida, Tomoyuki Ishida, Hiroaki Yuze, Yoshitaka Shibata
  • OS14-2 Analysis of sentimental characteristics of posters on SNS for supporting female cancer
    1. Yasuo Ebara, Masahiko Sakaguchi, Nobuko Ueda, Kayoko Katayama
  • OS14-3 Analysis of verbatim data in psychological counseling using generative AI
    1. Akira Higuchi, Yasuo Ebara
  • OS14-4 Watching Support System for Elderly People Living Alone
    1. Takato Ikeda, Tomoyuki Ishida
  • OS14-5 Dual Task Virtual Reality System using a Fitness Bike
    1. Kaisei Komoto, Tomoyuki Ishida
  • OS14-6 Historical Transition Visualization System
    1. Yuki Takashima, Tomoyuki Ishida

16:05 -

Room A

GS7 Artificial life II
Chair: Hiroki Kojima
  • GS7-1 The Role of Direct Utility for Signaling in Communication Emergence: Insights from Temporally Extended Communication Game
    1. Naoki Inoue, Kei Wakabayashi
  • GS7-2 Effects of cultural niche construction on cooperative and collective dynamics in the social particle swarm model
    1. Noboru T. Hamano, Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita
  • GS7-3 Floatiles: proposal to use 3d printed floating elements as building blocks for 2d modular swarm robots
    1. Georgii Karelin
  • GS7-4 Studying RuBisCO in Liquid-Liquid Phase Separated Droplets
    1. Milena Dobronos, Samuel Hauf, Paola Laurino
  • GS7-5 An evolutionary model of animats based on subjective evaluations using large vision-language models
    1. Shota Miyazaki, Reiji Suzuki, Takaya Arita

Room B

GS11 Cognitive science & Complexity
Chair: Shoji Nagataki
  • GS11-1 Evaluation of confidence for probabilistic production rule selection using language models in multi-step reasoning
    1. Shogo Eguchi, Hideaki Itoh, Hisao Fukumoto, Hiroshi Wakuya
  • GS11-2 Research on Human Unconscious Motion Using a Drawing Robot
    1. Asuka Yoshida, Katsuyoshi Tsujita
  • GS11-3 Anne-Boleyn Illusion of one-handed stimulation using Virtual-Reality
    1. Yuma Chiba, Takayuki Niizato
  • GS11-4 The information structure of boredom via Integrated information theory
    1. Takayuki Niizato, Yuta Nishiyama, Shusaku Nomura
  • GS11-5 Revealing Technological Complexity in Japan: A Bipartite Network Approach on Corporate Patents
    1. Rintaro Karashima, Hiroyasu Inoue
  • GS11-6 Self-corrective behavior for turn repetition in pill bugs
    1. Yuta Miyama, Ayaka Fujimoto, Toru Moriyama

Room C

GS24 Machine learning IV
Chair: Minija Tamosiunaite
  • GS24-1 A Human Motion Recognition System for Robot Command Using Inertial Sensors
    1. Noboru Fujino, Hirokazu Matsui
  • GS24-2 Achieving Real-Time Gait Recognition for Lower-Limb Exoskeletons Through Feature Selection and Model Evaluation at Reduced Window Sizes
    1. Anas Majumder, Sajid Nisar
  • GS24-3 Pre-training Deep Neural Networks with 3D Fractal Structures for COPD Stage Classification
    1. Kohei Harada, Wataru Noguchi, Yasumasa Tamura, Kaoruko Shimizu, Satoshi Konno, Masahito Yamamoto
  • GS24-4 Proposal of a Brain Activation Five–Layer Network with Five Types of EEG for Classification of Artificial Responses in NEO-FFI by Utilizing Graph Fourier Transform
  • GS24-5 Variance Control for Black Box Variational Inference Using The James-Stein Estimator
    1. Dominic Dayta, Takatomi Kubo, Kazushi Ikeda

Room D

GS36 Robotic mechanism III
Chair: Yoshiaki Katada
  • GS36-1 Design of a robotic gripper with two servo motors for infinite wrist rotation and performance evaluation for valve operation
    1. Jehun Seo, Yoshiaki Yamazaki
  • GS36-2 Posture transition control of electrically-driven Tri-star wheelchair toward stair climbing
    1. Takumi Sakai, Naoto Sato, Gaku Miyazima, Masami Iwase
  • GS36-3 Study of a moving mechanism for a robot working on the exterior surface of a structure
    1. Shuya Hashimoto, Nobuhiro Okada
  • GS36-4 Bipedal Robot with Flexible Joints Combining Passive and Active Mechanisms
    1. Ryo Takagi, Kazuyuki Ito

Room E

GS32 Robot vision and image processing I
Chair: Yoshitaka Matsuda
  • GS32-1 Simple Motion Detection Circuits Inspired by the Vertebrate Retina with Low Power Consumption and Array Configurations
    1. Thanaphat Imkrajang, Lalitphat Rodsrisamut, Kimihiro Nishio
  • GS32-2 An Estimation of the Position for Automous Mobile Robots when lostting the moving Marker on the Display
    1. Yohei Isomura, Hirokazu Matsui
  • GS32-3 Heat Conduction for Enhanced Thermal to RGB Conversion in 3D Reconstruction via a Distance-Time Based Thermal Model
    1. Fumiya Nakao, Potchara Ratsamee
  • GS32-4 Reconstruction of 3D Point Cloud Maps in Forests Using Terrain Information: Automatic Extraction of Ground Points for 3D Map Reconstruction
    1. Riki Usukura, Saya Adachi, Rui Ozawa, Masami Iwase
  • GS32-5 Fast Crowd Counting System Based on CSRNet
    1. Xiaochuan Tian, Hironori Hiraishi

Room F

GS17 Human-machine interaction and collaboration III
Chair: Kazunori Hosotani
  • GS17-1 Power steering control for compensating bicycle dynamics variation due to front basket loading
    1. Takaatsu Kihara, Yuzuki Sugasawa, Keigo Kuriyama, Masami Iwase
  • GS17-2 Construction of a measurement system focusing on time-series changes in frozen powder
    1. Shunsuke Nagase, Koki Fujiwara, Jun Ogawa, Hidemitsu Furukawa
  • GS17-3 Development of robot teleoperate system using neck motion to construct a data collection platform
    1. Yuto Hattori, Yutaka Nakamura, Yuya Okadome
  • GS17-4 Minimalist IMU-Based Glove for Real-Time Finger Tracking for Robot Teleoperation
    1. Gajitha Nanayakkara, Pasut Suriyasomboon, Sajid Nisar
  • GS17-5 3D Printing of High-Fidelity Monolithic Soft Robotic Grippers Using Highly Flexible TPU
    1. Khalid Meitani, Sajid Nisar

January 24, 2025 (Friday)

9:00 -

Room A

OS2 AROB: Bio-inspired theory and applications (1)
Chair: Kunihito Yamamori
Co-Chair: Masaru Fukushi
  • OS2-1 A study of Collaborative malware detection using item response theory
    1. Takuro Inada, Shotaro Usuzaki, Kentaro Aburada, Hisaaki Yamaba, Tetsuro Katayama, Mirang Park, Naonobu Okazaki
  • OS2-2 Investigation of Detection Methods for Trojaned DNNs under Specific Conditions
    1. Shunya Izaki, Shotaro Usuzaki, Kentaro Aburada, Hisaaki Yamaba, Tetsuro Katayama, Mirang Park, Naonobu Okazaki
  • OS2-3 Introduction of Feature Points in Images for Improvement of Finding Letters Type CAPTCHA Based on Neural Style Transfer
    1. Ramu Kiura, Hisaaki Yamaba, Shotaro Usuzaki, Kentaro Aburada, Masayuki Mukunoki, Mirang Park, Naonobu Okazaki
  • OS2-4 Introducing Generative AI into Unrealistic Image CAPTCHA for Effective Image Generation
    1. Kana Saiki, Hisaaki Yamaba, Shotaro Usuzaki, Kentaro Aburada, Masayuki Mukunoki, Mirang Park, Naonobu Okazaki
  • OS2-5 A Node-Passage-Based Packet Routing Method for 2D Mesh NoCs
    1. Takuma Kawasaki, Yota Kurokawa, Masaru Fukushi
  • OS2-6 An Efficient Voting Method for Parallel Volunteer Computing
    1. Zhiding Sun, Keiichi Inohara, Yota Kurokawa, Masaru Fukushi

Room B

OS4 AROB: Biomimetic Machines and Robots I
Chair: Keigo Watanabe
Co-Chair: Kiyotaka Izumi
  • OS4-1 Application of Variational Autoencoder Modeler for Systematically Analyzing Training Process - Its Application to Image Generation and Anomaly Detection -
    1. Zhelin Zheng, Fusaomi Nagata, Hisami Tamano, Hitoshi Nakamura, Akimasa Otsuka, Hirohisa Kato, Keigo Watanabe, Maki K. Habib, Ahmad Shahrizan Abdul Ghani
  • OS4-2 Hybrid PSO and Its Application to Equilibrium Temperature Search for OTEC Plant Systems
    1. Keigo Watanabe, Shilin Yi, Kiyotaka Izumi, Yasuyuki Ikegami
  • OS4-3 Path planning with wireless power transfer system
    1. Kiyotaka Izumi, Yusuke Mouri
  • OS4-4 Investigation of Model Characteristics and Convergence Parameter for a Quasi-Continuous Exponential Stabilizing Controller for Four-Wheeled Vehicles Based on a Nonholonomic System
    1. Tomoya Ishii, Shogo Nonaka
  • OS4-5 Skin model shape generation by incorporating machining error into topology optimization results
    1. Yuma Hino, Fusaomi Nagata, Akimasa Otsuka

Room C

OS16 AROB: New Developments in Data Science for Cognition, Design, and Learning
Chair: Shimpei Matsumoto
Co-Chair: Tomoko Kashima
  • OS16-1 A Study on Improving View Counts of Micro-Events on Social Media - Detecting the Relationship Between Color Schemes and View Counts -
    1. Kayu Morishige, Daichi Inoue, Shimpei Matsumoto
  • OS16-2 Research on discovering common factors behind crowdfunding success - A machine learning approach-
    1. Kazuki Munehisa, Runo Nakabayashi, Tomoya Nishita, Shimpei Matsumoto
  • OS16-3 Development of Learning Analytics Methods in Constructive Learning -Achievements in Descriptive and Diagnostic Analysis within the COPS System and Future Challenges-
    1. Natsumi Tanabe, Toshikazu Kiyotaki, Shimpei Matsumoto
  • OS16-4 Simulation of multilevel evacuation considering various evacuees and verification of the usefulness of information transmission media
    1. Hiroyoshi Matsumoto, Negai Nakamoto, Yusuke Yamauchi, Shimpei Matsumoto
  • OS16-5 A Study on the Effects and Improvements of UI Design Theory in Product Promotion
    1. Nozomi Fujiwara, Ryouga Yamamoto, Shimpei Matsumoto
  • OS16-6 Development of a Metaverse World for Regional Resource Promotion and Investigation of the Effectiveness of VR-Based Videos
    1. Kazutoshi Hatsuzaki, Shimpei Matsumoto, Shuichi Yamagishi

Room D

OS22 AROB: Vehicle and Mobile Robot Technology I
Chair: Kenji Sawada
Co-Chair: Yuki Minami
  • OS22-1 Visual Quality Enhancement in Robotic Animation Display Systems through PID Controller Tuning
    1. Masahiro Ishikane, Yuki Minami, Masato Ishikawa
  • OS22-2 Event-Triggered Switching with Self-Triggered Sampling for Discrete-Time Switched Linear Systems
    1. Shota Nakayama, Koichi Kobayashi, Yuh Yamashita
  • OS22-3 Crosswind Disturbance Compensation by Integrating Disturbance Observer and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication
    1. Kotaro Ishihara, Yuki Minami, Masato Ishikawa
  • OS22-4 Cost Function Tuning for Ideal Vehicle Motion Planning Considering Motion Sickness
    1. Takumi Todaka, Kaito Sato, Kenji Sawada, Katsuhiko Sando

Room E

GS5 Artificial intelligence V
Chair: Florentin Wörgötter
  • GS5-1 Proposition of Affordance-Driven Environment Recognition Framework Using Symbol Networks in Large Language Models
    1. Kazuma Arii, Satoshi Kurihara
  • GS5-2 HomoFusion: Homogenous Multi-modal Feature Fusion for Multi-view 3D Object Detection
    1. Weixin Mao, Osamu Yoshie
  • GS5-3 Creating a Plant Disease Identification Application Using Yolo
    1. Kanta Omori, Eigo Hirao, Tomohiro Morizane, Takehide Nakagawa, Hiroaki Niwa, Masamoto Tafu, Ryuichi Matoba
  • GS5-4 Improved Smart House System For Elderly People Living Alone Based on Sensor Fusion
    1. Yichen Wang, Yutian Wu, Harutoshi Ogai, Shigeyuki Tateno
  • GS5-5 CLAHE-based fusion filter image preprocessing for enhancing YOLOv8l accuracy in autonomous driving
    1. Fangjun Liu, Yutoku Takahashi, Jun Yoneyama
  • GS5-6 Adaptive AI for Multiplayer Games: Using Swarm Intelligence and Reinforcement Learning with Behavior Tree
    1. Valeriya Sergeyeva, Almaskhan Baimyshev

Room F

GS19 & GS20 Identification and estimation I & II
Chair: Takehito Kikuchi
  • GS19-1 Identification of Mixed Plastics Using Optical Properties and Smart Glasses
    1. Naru Tsuritani, Takeru Ito, Hyuga Yokohori, Shuntaro Mori, Masamoto Tafu, Ryuichi Matoba
  • GS19-2 Heart Rate Variability Analysis for Stress Induced with Cybersickness in Virtual Reality Environments
    1. Nan BU
  • GS19-3 Robust Pig Extraction Using Ground Base Depth Images for Automatic Weight Estimation
    1. Khin Dagon Win, Kikuhito Kawasue, Tadaaki Tokunaga
  • GS19-4 A Stress Detection Model from Multimodal Physiological Signals Using LightGBM
    1. Kota Sakaguchi, Takuto Sakuma, Shohei Kato
  • GS20-1 Detecting Medication-Taking Motions from Smartwatch Accelerometer Data Using Deep Learning with Topological Data Analysis
    1. Yuki Takekoshi, Akira Masuo, Takuto Sakuma, Shohei Kato
  • GS20-2 Proposal of Echography Support System for Breast Cancer Screening with Image-based Localization of Probe
    1. Sumire Hayashi, Takehito Kikuchi
  • GS20-3 Development and Evaluation of a Portable Crowd-Estimation System using Wi-Fi
    1. Ryoma Toyomi, Atsuo Ozaki

10:45 -

Room A

OS3 AROB: Bio-inspired theory and applications (2)
Chair: Kunihito Yamamori
Co-Chair: Hisaaki Yamaba
  • OS3-1 Interior layout image generation by the combination of GrabCut and Large-mask inpainting algorithm with 3D furniture models
    1. Seishin Yamamura, Kunihito Yamamori, Ryo Saito
  • OS3-2 An approach for driving manner improvement by a gamepad-controlled driving simulator
    1. Kotaro SHIIKI, Shuta YAMANE, Kunihiko YAMAMORI
  • OS3-3 An active listening and responding system with empathy enhancing filter using ChatGPT
    1. Daisuke AMAKI, Shuta YAMANE, Kunihito YAMAMORI
  • OS3-4 Constaria: a chatbot for long-term consistent conversation
    1. Shuta Yamane, Daisuke Amaki, Kunihito Yamamori

Room B

OS5 AROB: Biomimetic Machines and Robots II
Chair: Keigo Watanabe
Co-Chair: Kiyotaka Izumi
  • OS5-1 Evaluation of Anomaly Monitoring System for Numerical Control Machine Tools Using Neural Networks
    1. Tomoaki Morimoto, Fusaomi Nagata, Takamasa Kusano, Hisami Tamano, Hitoshi Nakamura, Keigo Watanabe, Maki K. Habib
  • OS5-2 On the Hysteretic Control of the Posterior Joint of Fish Robot
    1. Naoki Kimura, Ivan Tanev, Tatsuaki Kimura
  • OS5-3 Three-dimensional Flow Structures of Fish-School-Inspired Piezoelectric Fans in a Rectangular Housing
    1. Naoki Mizumoto, Kazunori Hosotani, Yoichi Ogata
  • OS5-4 Proposal of Shoe Sole to Promote Standing Stabilization on Uneven Terrain for Lower Limb Prosthesis Users
    1. Kyusei Shimoma, Takehito Kikuchi

Room C

OS1 AROB: Advanced AI Applications and Robotics
Chair: Kiyota Hashimoto
Co-Chair: Hidekazu Yanagimoto
  • OS1-1 CSI-based Change Detection Using Anomaly Detection
    1. Teppei Otsuki, Hidekazu Yanagimoto, Kiyota Hashimoto
  • OS1-2 Scene-Focused Video Caption Generation
    1. Sorato Nakamura, Hidekazu Yanakgimoto, Kiyota Hashimoto
  • OS1-3 CSI-based Position Estimation Using Transformers
    1. Hidekazu Yanagimoto, Kiyota Hashimoto
  • OS1-4 A Survey of First-Year University Students on Their Use of Generative AI and Their Expectations of an AI Student Advisory Service.
    1. Tetsuya Sakai, Keiji Tabuchi
  • OS1-5 A Preliminary Study on Immersion Levels in Various Work Processes for Collaboration between Remote Operators and Semi-Autonomous Robots
    1. Takumi KAWAMURA, Toru MIZUYA, Kenichi ABE, Kiyoshi ASAKAWA, Rina ISHIWATA, Takenobu INOUE

Room D

OS23 AROB: Vehicle and Mobile Robot Technology II
Chair: Kenji Sawada
Co-Chair: Yuki Minami
  • OS23-1 On the Enforcement for Structural Opacity of Dual Control Systems
    1. Kumi Aizawa, Kenji Sawada
  • OS23-2 Consideration of a Security Training Program for Industrial Control Systems based on the TCP/IP Communication Model
    1. Masatoshi Enomoto, Shu Hosokawa, Kenji Sawada
  • OS23-3 On generalized intelligent PID control for a class of non-minimum phase systems
    1. Tomoki Takeda, Osamu Kaneko
  • OS23-4 Data informative approach for integral typed servo system with state feedback
    1. Takeyuki Sueyoshi, Osamu Kaneko

Room E

GS25 Mobile robots I
Chair: Norimitsu Sakagami
  • GS25-1 Mapless Navigation of Mobile Robots Based on Enhanced Soft Actor-Critic Model
    1. Shanshan Wang, Xiaohan Du, Kenji Hashimoto
  • GS25-2 Quantification of abstract features and environment map generation using multimodal language models
    1. Kyoya FURUKAWA, Kenta TABATA, Renato MIYAGUSUKU, Koichi OZAKI
  • GS25-3 Design of a new jumping rescue robot and experimental evaluation
    1. Ayako Katayama, Jehun Seo, Yoshiaki Yamazaki
  • GS25-4 Development of a Four-Legged Soft Robot with Wave-Like Locomotion
    1. Tomoya Inagaki, Kazuyuki Ito
  • GS25-5 Experiments on obstacle avoidance of AMR with Control Barrier Function using quasi-saturation function
    1. Takeru Ishihara, Satoshi Ueki, Takahiro Ikeda, Hironao Yamada

13:00 -

Room A

OS24 ISBC: Collective Intelligence and Individual Emergence in Biological and Artificial Systems
Chair: Michael Crosscombe
Co-Chair: Norihiro Maruyama
  • OS24-1 scRNA-seq reveals subpopulations responsible for distinct carbohydrate metabolic pathways in Tetrahymena thermophila population
    1. Akiko Kashiwagi, Hiroki Kojima, Takashi Ikegami
  • OS24-2 Quantifying Ant Colony Dynamics and Role Transmission Using Information Theory and Gromov-Wasserstein Optimal Transport
    1. Ilya Horiguchi, Michael Crosscombe, Shigeto Dobata, Takashi Ikegami
  • OS24-3 Reward Shaping for the Neuroevolution of Collective Behaviours in Ants
    1. Michael Crosscombe, Ilya Horiguchi, Shigeto Dobata, Takashi Ikegami
  • OS24-4 Exploring Cultural Evolution Through Modular Dynamics in Temporal Hashtag Networks
    1. Yasuhiro Hashimoto, Hiroki Sato, Mizuki Oka, Takashi Ikegami
  • OS24-5 A Community First theory for Understanding Individuality
    1. Takashi Ikegami, Hiroki Kojima, Acer Yu-Chan Chang, Ryosuke Takata, Atsushi Masumori, Norihiro Maruyama, Ilya Horiguchi, Michael Crosscombe, Yasuhiro Hashimoto, Hiroki Sato, Akiko Kashiwagi, Shigeto Dobata
  • OS24-6 Interplaying Evolution and Collective Dynamics of Human-Hashtag Interactions: Analyzing "Soft" Beings on the Web
    1. Hiroki Sato, Yasuhiro Hashimoto, Mizuki Oka, Takashi Ikegami
  • OS24-7 Impact of Cross-Community Interactions on Digital Regulatory Networks

Room B

GS14 Evolutionary computations (Genetic algorithm)
Chair: Kunihiko Nakazono
  • GS14-1 On-Site Verification of Picking Work Efficiency Improvement by Optimizing Product Placement Using BLPSO
    1. Takahiro Suzuki, Ayaka Sugiura, Koya Ihara, Takuto Sakuma, Shohei Kato
  • GS14-2 Evaluation Regarding Partitioning the Objective Space for Parallel distributed MOPSO/D
    1. Mitsuhiko Uchida, Mikiko Sato, Yuji Sato
  • GS14-3 Multi-objective optimization of flight schedules to maximize constraint-tolerance by local search and archiving mechanisms
    1. Tomoki Ishizuka, Hiroyuki Sato, Akinori Murata, Keiki Takadama
  • GS14-4 Novelty-based multi-objectivization for unbounded search space optimization
    1. Ryuki Ishizawa, Hiroyuki Sato, Keiki Takadama

Room C

GS8 & GS9 Bio-inspired robotics I & II
Chair: Xixun Wang, Jun Ogawa
  • GS8-1 A Study on Battery Loading Method for Multi-Legged MEMS Microrobot
    1. Misaki Takaku, Yifan Yang, Kyotaro Shibuya, Fumio Uchikoba, Minami Kaneko
  • GS8-2 Geometrically-inspired Design of Edible Arm
    1. Shoma Abe, Jun Ogawa, Hidemitsu Furukawa
  • GS8-3 Effect of Eccentric Shaft Design on the Gastropod-Inspired Mechanism
    1. Yoshimune Tayama, Jun Ogawa, Hidemitsu Furukawa
  • GS9-1 Wavy synchronization in entire legs of walking train millipedes revealed by automatic tracking and mathematical modeling
    1. Momiji Yoshikawa, Ikkyu Aihara
  • GS9-2 A propulsion mechanism combining the torsional behavior of a plate spring and the manta ray’s skeletal structure
    1. Togo YANAI, Kenta TABATA, Renato MIYAGUSUKU, Koichi OZAKI
  • GS9-3 Development of artificial muscles formed from shape-memory alloys and elastomers and their application to musculoskeletal leg models
    1. Yugo Kokubun, Kentaro Yamazaki, Tatsumi Goto, Ginjiro Takashi, Ontatsu Haku, Fumio Uchikoba, Minami Kaneko

Room D

GS18 Human-machine interaction and collaboration IV
Chair: Hironori Hiraishi
  • GS18-1 ACRC-LLM: A Framework for Automated Construction Robotics Control Using Large Language Models
    1. Yongdong Wang, Runze Xiao, Jun Younes Louhi Kasahara, Keiji Nagatani, Atsushi Yamashita, Hajime Asama
  • GS18-2 Realization of an Auto-Calibrating Squeeze Haptic Feedback Device for Supernumerary Robotic Fingers
    1. Connor McGregor, Jacob Char, Faimul Haque, Sajid Nisar
  • GS18-3 Evaluation of Haptic Feedback Modalities for Enhanced Locomotor Stability in Lower Limb Prosthetic Training
    1. Pasut Suriyasomboon, Anas Majumder, Rene Manuel Suarez Flores, Sajid Nisar
  • GS18-4 Proposal of SSVEP Ratio for Efficient Ear-EEG SSVEP-BCI Development and Evaluation
    1. Sodai Kondo, Hideyuki Harafuji, Hisaya Tanaka

Room E

GS26 Mobile robots II
Chair: Kenta Tabata
  • GS26-1 Testing a Portable Underwater Robotic Manipulator with a Structure-Wall Suction Mechanism
    1. Norimitsu Sakagami, Masatoshi Fukami, Yuki Tanaka, Aoi Koshioka, Atsushi Kakogawa
  • GS26-2 Autonomous Navigation for Agricultural Robots Using GNSS and UWB Devices for Indoor and Outdoor Environments Without SLAM
    1. Junsei TANAKA, Yoshihiro SATO
  • GS26-3 Development of Neuromorphic Circuit for Microrobot System with Stopping and Changing Direction Ability Using Light Stimuli
    1. Yamato Muramoto, Kosei Sekiyama, Shuxin Lyu, Ken Saito
  • GS26-4 Rapid Spiral Stair Descent for a Quadruped-Wheeled Robot Using Model Predictive Control
    1. Hongming Chen, Junyang Zhang, Jixin Yang, Pengju Wang, Kenji Hashimoto
  • GS26-5 Microrobot with built-in MEMS turbine driven by compressed air
    1. Takamichi Funakoshi, Koki Ito, Fumio Uchikoba, Minami Kaneko

Room F

GS33 Robot vision and image processing II
Chair: Masami Iwase
  • GS33-1 Integration of MaskNet-Based Posture Estimation into Robot Vision Systems
    1. Yu Iwai, Soma FUMOTO, Takeshi Nishida
  • GS33-2 Computer Vision for Automated Robotic Device Disassembly: Object Detection, Pose Estimation, and Action Prediction
    1. Sebastian Ruiz, Boris Kuster, Minija Tamosiunaite, Ales Ude, Florentin Wörgötter
  • GS33-3 3D Object Recognition and Plane Detection for Grasping Position Estimation in UVG
    1. Kaito Watanabe, Yuta Ohno, Toshihiko Shimizu, Masayoshi Ozawa, Julien Amar, Masahiko Sakai, Tadahiro Oyama
  • GS33-4 AI-Powered Autonomous Wheelchair with Zero-Shot Obstacle Detection and Navigation Assistance for Enhanced Mobility
    1. Keshavi Joshi, Pasut Suriyasomboon, Rene Manuel Suarez Flores, Sajid Nisar
  • GS33-5 Target Specific Multi-Dimensional Image Scrambling Algorithm for Security Cameras
    1. Abhijeet Ravankar, Ankit A. Ravankar, Arpit Rawankar

14:30 -

Room B

GS27 Mobile robots and motion planning
Chair: Satoshi Ueki
  • GS27-1 Testing an Autonomous Sediment Sampling Method with a Sealing Mechanism for an Underwater Robot
    1. Norimitsu Sakagami, Hiroshi Nagaoka, Michitaka Kawabata, Kenshiro Yokoi, Sadao Kawamura
  • GS27-2 Development of a Dynamic Positioning System for unmanned mud sampling vessels using Variable Structure Control
    1. Makoto Morito, Kouki Yoshimura, Junichiro Tahara, Shoichiro Baba, Yukihisa Sanada
  • GS27-3 State Machine for Dynamic Path Planning on Autonomous Articulated Robots
    1. Soma Fumoto, Tsubasa Watanabe, Takeshi Nishida
  • GS27-4 Development of a Brain Machine Interface based Robot Navigation System for Disabled People
    1. Abhijeet Ravankar, Ankit A. Ravankar, Arpit Rawankar

Room D

OS17 AROB: Robot and Control
Chair: Nobuya Takahashi
Co-Chair: Masahiro Yokomichi
  • OS17-1 SGLDOMP-Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics Optimization-based Motion Planning
    1. Masahiro Yokomichi, Nobuya Takahashi
  • OS17-2 Gradient-based Multiplicative Update Rules for Non-negative Matrix Factorization
    1. Nobuya Takahashi, Masahiro Yokomichi
  • OS17-3 Reinforcement learning and LiDAR-SLAM based obstacle avoidance of drone with depth camera
    1. Ren Shigenaga, Masahiro Yokomichi, Nobuya Takahashi
  • OS17-4 Development of an Actual 4-wheeled Vehicle Type Monorail Track Inspection Robot with Electric Differential Drive
    1. Keisuke Sato, Yasunobu Hitaka

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